art + awareness + Action


Invite Ekaterina as a Speaker or Workshop Facilitator

I offer two formats for my “Art as a Tool for Social Change” session: an interactive workshop or an engaging talk. Both formats explore the power of art in raising awareness and inspiring action for environmental and social causes. This experience is designed for artists, activists, and anyone passionate about making a difference through creative expression.

Workshop Highlights:

  • Silent Activism: Insights from my 100+ days of silence dedicated to art and activism.
  • Global Impact: Stories behind my murals created with grassroots organizations worldwide.
  • Hands-On Experience: Practical exercises to use art for powerful messaging.
  • Creative Techniques: Explore methods to highlight the human-nature connection.
  • Collaborative Projects: Team-focused art projects driving social change.

Talk Highlights:

  • Silent Activism: Insights from my 100+ days of silence dedicated to art and activism.
  • Global Impact: Stories behind my murals created with grassroots organizations worldwide.
  • Engaging Presentation: Techniques and mediums to highlight the human-nature connection.
  • Inspiring Stories: How art has driven social change and its impact.

Why Choose This Session:

  • Be Inspired: Learn about my artistic process and commitment to positive change.
  • Take Action: Gain tools and motivation to use art as a catalyst for change.
  • Connect Deeply: Foster a community and shared purpose among participants.

Why Invite Me to Your Company:

  • Enhance CSR: Demonstrate your commitment to social and environmental causes.
  • Boost Engagement: Inspire and motivate employees with a meaningful experience.
  • Promote Team Building: Strengthen team cohesion through collaborative art projects.
  • Create a Positive Environment: Foster a culture of awareness and empathy.

For more information on scheduling the “Art as a Tool for Social Change” workshop or talk, please contact me or fill out the inquiry form below. Let’s create meaningful art that inspires change together.

activating communities


Transform your space with a vibrant, meaningful mural that inspires reflection, fosters community, and serves as a beacon of hope and positive change.

Why Commission a Mural

Inspiration and Purpose:

  • Enrich your environment with beauty and a profound sense of purpose.
  • Transform walls into vibrant canvases that serve as beacons of hope.


Vision :

  • Each mural acts as a vision board, reminding us of our values and guiding us toward our aspirations.
  • Inspire reflection and encourage a brighter future through intricate designs and compelling narratives.


Community and Culture:

  • For public or corporate spaces, murals engage the community and strengthen cultural bonds.
  • Serve as focal points of pride and interaction, enhancing the identity and spirit of the area.


Environmental Stewardship:

  • Celebrate the interconnectedness of humanity and nature.
  • Promote stewardship and positive change through art.


Collaborative Art:

  • Create a unique, inspiring work of art that enhances aesthetic appeal.
  • Serve as a daily reminder of our shared values and engage the community in meaningful ways.


If you live in Los Angeles and would love to be a part of our monthy gatherings, send out a request form.



Other ways you can make a difference


Drive awareness


Donate to reputable conservation organizations: There are numerous conservation organizations in America that work tirelessly to protect wildlife and their habitats. Some well-known ones we have worked with include: Animals Asia, the American Eagle Foundation, The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund, BornFree UK and US, TeaTown, Horses in Our Hands.

Share educational content and raise awareness on social media. By sharing information, images, and videos related to wildlife conservation on your social media platforms, you can help educate others and increase awareness about the importance of protecting wildlife. Follow us on instagram for wildlife content.

Organize local events to raise funds for conservation projects: You can mobilize your community by organizing events such as fundraisers, charity runs, or educational workshops to raise funds for conservation projects in your area or in partnership with reputable organizations.




A Project For the Planet, A Voice for the Voiceless


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