At The Core We Are ONE

“At the Core, We Are One” represents a deeply personal exploration of our shared human essence. This collection is an intimate journey into the fundamental connections that transcend the superficial divisions of culture, geography, and social constructs.

As an artist, I have always been fascinated by the invisible threads that bind us together. In this collection, I have sought to capture the profound unity that exists within our collective soul. Each piece is a meditation on the elemental truths that unite us—love, compassion, and our intrinsic humanity.

Through a warm palette and intricate compositions, I invite viewers to engage with the universal themes of interconnectedness and diversity. The interplay of natural elements with human figures in my work serves to emphasize our symbiotic relationship with the world around us. Each brushstroke is a reflection of my own journey towards understanding and embracing the oneness that lies at the core of our being.

“At the Core, We Are One” is more than a collection of paintings; it is a call to recognize and celebrate our shared humanity. It is my hope that these artworks will inspire a deeper sense of unity and a renewed commitment to the values that connect us all.

Immerse yourself in this collection and allow the art to speak to your heart, reminding you of the beauty and strength found in our collective unity.

DNA - Divine Network of Alignment

“DNA”, Acrylic on Canvas, 60×78″, Los Angeles, 2024, is an interactive art piece encouraging participants to leave a golden mark on the canvas, symbolizing unity.

The first painting in this series depicts numerous hands forming a lotus flower, with a DNA structure emerging from it. This imagery signifies our shared genetic makeup, highlighting that our DNA is 99.9% similar. This concept underlines every interaction and decision, reminding us of our fundamental unity.

“DNA” strips back the layers, revealing our shared heartbeat. This project isn’t just interactive; it’s a deep dive into what connects us. It’s about touching the artwork and, by extension, touching the essence of our collective humanity. It’s an invitation to step into a space where art isn’t just seen, but felt, where each person becomes a part of the story. And let’s be real, how often do we want to touch the art in the museums, and see what it feels like?! The artwork itself presents the energy of many hands, forming a lotus, with a DNA helix unfurling from its heart. It’s a simple yet profound image. The lotus, a symbol of purity, rebirth, and enlightenment. From this collective expression, a DNA structure emerges, a reminder that we’re all built from the same building blocks.

The participants are invited to add their golden mark to the canvas, they’re doing more than just painting. Gold isn’t just a color here; it’s a statement of value, a recognition of the wisdom each person brings to the table. This project goes beyond being a piece of art. It’s a tool for connection, a way to see that our differences are just variations in a much larger pattern. It’s about realizing that our DNA, with its 99.9% similarity, is a testament to our shared journey.

“DNA” is about changing the way we talk, the way we make decisions. It’s about understanding that every interaction should be rooted in the knowledge that we’re fundamentally the same.What we’re doing here is creating a space for connection, a reminder that every conversation, every decision, should be grounded in the understanding that at our core, we share a common bond. It’s about stripping away the noise, the labels, the divisions, and getting down to the pure, simple truth of our shared humanity.

Studio photo with an artwork


“Awakened”, Acrylic on Canvas, 60×78″, Los Angeles, 2024, symbolizing unity and interconnectedness of all. 

Awakened” symbolizes the profound unity and interconnectedness of all existence. This piece explores the concept that true awakening comes when we recognize the seamless bond between nature, wildlife, and humanity. It invites viewers to understand that we are all interconnected and interdependent, dissolving the illusion of separation. Through vibrant colors and intricate patterns, “Awakened” illustrates the harmonious dance of life, encouraging a deep reflection on our place within the universal tapestry. 

Heart Centered

“Heart centered”, 30×24″, Acrylic on Canvas, Gold Leaf, Los Angeles 2024

Heart Centered” highlights the universal mechanism that unites us all, powered by the sun’s energy. This artwork emphasizes the profound connection we feel when we are in tune with our human hearts, fostering unity, belonging, and a desire to support one another as beacons of hope. Participants at the inaugural LA Creative Artists event were invited to leave their golden marks around the heart, symbolizing collective unity. These individual contributions were later sealed with gold leaf, creating a unified and radiant testament to our shared humanity and interconnectedness. 


Mixed Media on Canvas, Two Pieces. Los Angeles, 2024

“Alignment” is a profound diptych that explores the essence of living in integrity. It conveys that true integrity is achieved when our thoughts, speech, and actions are in harmony. This artwork invites viewers to connect with the source of their thoughts and reflect on their connection to the divine energy that guides us. The two pieces together symbolize the alignment needed to attain a balanced and meaningful life.




A Project For the Planet, A Voice for the Voiceless


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